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ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS)

Institutional Background

The ASEAN Leaders’ decision to create an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is intended to introduce the free flow of goods, services, investment and skilled labour, and freer flow of capital in the region. For the AEC to take root, the establishment of a fully harmonised Customs and Transport environment is of the highest priority. The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT - Ha Noi, 1998) is a core instrument for the realization of these objectives and provides for nine high level Protocols that set out generic standards to be put into place for the implementation of an international transit system. The practical objective of the AFAFGIT is the creation of a regional environment in which a vehicle operating under the transit system can move goods by road from a point of departure in any ASEAN Member State (AMS) to a point of destination in any other Member State via any number of transit countries without intermediate unloading and with minimal procedures at borders. Under the purview of Transport, the key Protocols of the AFAFGIT are Protocols 1, 3, 4 and 5, while Protocols 2 and 7 are under the purview of Customs.

Protocols 6, 8 and 9 are excluded from operationalization.


Guided by the AFAFGIT and its protocols, the ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) is a computerised Customs transit management system available to operators who move goods across borders without paying the required duties and taxes otherwise due when the goods enter (or leave) the country thus requiring only one (final) Customs formality. It offers an administratively simple and cost advantageous procedure to carry goods across Customs territories outside the normal import and export Customs regimes.

The ACTS facilitates trade by allowing traders to transport their goods freely between the participating countries. This means that a truck can travel from its point of loading (Departure) to its destination in a different country with fewer obstacles and delays. There is no need for a different Customs declaration at each border, and no need to transfer the goods to a different truck in each country. The duties and taxes at risk are covered by a single guarantee for all the countries involved in the transit operation. All the related information is transmitted through the network from the office of departure to the transit offices and the office of destination. To facilitate the movement of goods the Transport Authorities of AMS have agreed to license 500 qualifying vehicles to operate across borders. The ACTS is coordinated by the Customs Authorities and the Land Transport authorities of participating AMS.

Who can participate?

All traders which include importers, exporters, transporters, freight forwarders and Customs agents are eligible to use the ACTS to transport goods across borders. However, the potential users must register as transit traders with the Customs Administration (CA) of participating AMS. Each CA will have a set of guidelines on the criteria for eligibility and process of application.

The governing protocol also provides for the approval of Authorised Transit Traders status. However, to be given this status, applicants will have to meet the qualifying criteria set by the individual ASEAN Member States to be eligible for the ATT status. The authority and right to give ATT status lies with relevant competent authorities of participating AMS. The ATT status will allow the qualified trader to use a simplified declaration process as set by the competent authorities.

Useful Links:

*Participating Member States include Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Summary of Information

The information summary of ACTS, please find on the

Additional Information:

ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross-Border Permit (AGVCBP) Vehicles that are used to transport goods under the ACTS must each be allocated with the ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross-Border Permit (AGVCBP). For more information on the AGVCBP and its application procedures,

Protocol 3 of ASEAN Framework Agreement for Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT) mandates the issuance of ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross Border Permit (AGVCBP)) by AMS to support the operationalization of ACTS. The AGVCBP enables approved Licensed Transport Operators with valid AGVCBP to transport goods from one country across the territory of one or more countries with minimum impediment, such as reduced trans-shipment goods inspection procedures at border posts. Participating AMS have agreed to issue up to a 500 AGVCBP to operationalize the ACTS. Each Participating ASEAN Member State is currently allowed a limit of 500 of these AGVCBP to be issued at national level to transport operators. There is no limit on the number of times the permit can be used for ACTS transit operations. The permit is usually valid for a year, and is renewable. Goods to be transported through the ACTS must be undertaken by a vehicle allocated with AGVCBP. The AGVCBP are allocated to each vehicle and are not transferable, the permit applies to a vehicle configuration as described in the permit application. The type of trucks and specifications are spelt out in Protocol 4 of the AFAFGIT. The transport authorities will ensure that AGVCBP is only given to qualifying trucks under this Protocol and criteria set by national competent authorities. The validity period of the permit will be the prerogative of the competent authorities of participating AMS. It has been agreed that all information on the AGVCBP issued will be exchanged amongst the participating AMS and the information will be available for cross validation. The information will be updated by national competent authorities to reflect the most current status of the AGVCBP issued.

Applying for an ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross-Border Permit Applicants must be a Licensed Transport Operator and must attend in person to register the vehicle for the permit. If they are a representative of a company, they must have completed the Representative Authority section of the application form. Applicants must provide the following:

  1. A completed Application for ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross-Border Permit form (including proof of identity);

  2. A completed Description of Heavy Vehicle/Trailer form;

  3. A Vehicle Inspection Report proving that the vehicle is suitable for safe use and;

  4. Evidence of Third Party Liability Insurance covering the permit period.

For more detailed application procedures contact the national competent authority for the issuance of AGVCBP.

National Contacts for Competent Authorities Issuing AGVCBP are as follows: Competent Authority of Cambodia Ministry of Public Works and Transport, National Transit Transport Coordinating Committee Address: St.598, Sangkat Chrang Chamres, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh Contact Person of the Issuance Authority:

Mr. DY LADA, Deputy

Director of Urban Public Transport Department Email Address: Tel: +855 11 567 696


Official of Land Transport Department Email Address: Tel: +855 12 264 302 Competent Authority of Lao PDR Department of Transport Ministry of Public Work and Transport, Lanexang Avenue, Vientiane Capital, Laos Tel: +85621412273 Email: Competent Authority of Malaysia Mr. Shahrin bin Hamzah Principal Assistant Director (Head, Freight Unit) Land Public Transport Agency Level M, Tower Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali, No 25, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +60 3-2603 6507 Email: Nur Faeza binti Hidzir Senior Assistant Director, Land Public Transport Agency Level M, Tower Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali, No 25, Jalan Raja Laut,50350 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +60 3-2603 6787 Email: Competent Authority of Singapore Land Transport Authority (Singapore) International Relations, Policy & Planning Group National Transit Transport Coordinating Committee (NTTCC) Secretariat No. 1 Hampshire Road, Singapore 219428 Tel: +65 6225 5582

Please contact via the online feedback form: Competent Authority of Thailand Department of Land Transport, 1032 Phaholyothin Road, Lardyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 International Transport Affairs Group, Department of Land Transport Email: Tel: +66 2271 8409 Competent Authority of Viet Nam Directorate of Roads of Viet Nam (DRVN) Ministry of Transport Contact address: D20 Ton That Thuyet Street - Cau Giay New Urban Area - Dich Vong Hau Ward - Cau Giay District - Ha Noi City Phone:+84 2438 571 444 / Fax: +84 2438 571 440 Website: Competent Authority of Myanmar National Transport Facilitation Committee (NTFC) Mr. Aung Ye Tun Assistant Secretary; Ministry of Transport and Communications Building No. 5, Nay Pyi Taw E-mail: Phone: +95 673411520


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